Monday, September 26, 2005

Mary Her Daily Life and Prayer

Mary's life would have been much like anyone else’s, in that she did not draw attention to herself, but simply got on with the job at hand. It would have been Mary and the women friends of Jesus who at times may have travelled ahead of Jesus and the disciples in order to provide a resting place for the tired men.

This meant a great deal of preparation; perhaps they also would have had a mule in order to carry some of their supplies. It meant a daily round of duties from sun rise to sun set, as they prepared meals, mended clothes and prepared a place of rest for her weary son and his disciples.

And upon reaching the place where they would spend the next few days Mary and the women most probably spent time at the nearest markets to buy such food as lentils, wheat, dates, olives, grapes, pomegranate's, onions etc as well as chickens, eggs, goats milk.

They then would have returned to make local unleavened bread by slapping the dough against a circular oven, in which they would then place the onions, lentils, pieces of meat perhaps with some goat cheese. Along with this after the main meal maybe some dates, almonds, honey, or watermelon would also have been served. Whatever was grown in season at that time.

The difference with Mary is that despite this workload, which was heavy indeed, in that there were no convenience as we enjoy today, Mary would have done all this without one single complaint, in that she had learnt to turn everything she did into a prayer. This provided a marvellous example to the women, whom journeyed with her and also the men in her spirit of gentleness, serenity and tranquillity. For like most things there would have been things that did not go right, days where accidents happened, all of this left Mary unflustered, as she simply took all these things the good and the bad equally from a Loving God.

Through all this activity and work Mary ennobles the most mundane tasks, and grants it the respect it deserves in that, everything we do must be done in a spirit of love and service to others, for that is the way Mary shows us.

Upon finishing the meals the women would have joined together in communal washing up. And I am sure with gentle humour and an equally gentle spirit, the women would have enjoyed this moment shared with Mary as they each worked uncomplaining in an environment of love and companionship.

After the evening meal and clean up was completed Mary and the rest of Jesus friends would have gathered around her son to listen to his stories, to learn from him, but also to enjoy moments of pleasant humour, before they retired for the night to pray to their Heavenly Father.

For both Mary and Jesus, lived lives of deep prayer, of a relationship with the Heavenly Father which went beyond the mere rituals of the Pharisees. And it is their example combined, which would be a great lesson for both disciples and female companions to emulate in their own lives.

But I am sure even in prayer, Mary's heart was not without its worries as she pondered in her heart the meaning of these precious words from her son and the prophecy of Simeon.

Peace of Christ to you ALL

Copyright © 2005 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.

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